Monday, January 11, 2010

Give A Hoot, Don't Pollute

When talked to, Aduka smiles and replies. he will wave his hand around and kick his legs excitedly. When sung to, he will just look at his Mommy quietly. Possibly amazed by his Mommy's melodious voice? Note to self, should I try singing current music, say, songs by The Killers to Aduka? *thinking* he will probably appreciate it.

We have come to terms that Aduka is quieter when taken care of by his grandparents while we are away. He does not ask to be carried, neither does he "struggle" to sleep at night. Note* literally not struggle, he will move about making noises just because he wants to be swayed to sleep. In that aspect, I may have spoilt my first born. In general, he is still a good boy.

Auntie Nameera bought a few things for Aduka when she was in Sydney.
This purple outfit being one of them. Worn on warm days, I think it actually looks sexy on Aduka but Daddy thinks the outfit reminds him of Richard Simmons.

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