Thursday, January 28, 2010

Clumsy Spaceboy

Dear Aduka,
Nowadays, entertaining yourself everytime we put you in your playpen is to grab your pillows, throw it and grabbing it back only if it is within your reach. Gone were those days when you would cry out to be talked to, minutes after we left you alone. A few times you grab your pacifier, pull it out of your mouth and threw it away. Although that goes to show, you have better gripping action now, some events were probably accidental. Your ideas were there but your execution can be pretty taxing what with little control of them hands. At least that is how it looks to us. There was probably a few occasions when you fell asleep on Mommy's shoulder and just when I was putting you down in your cot, you held on to me tightly. Seems like someone is getting too comfortable being carried. A great development I must say but I still put you in the cot anyways. Oh you cried but fell asleep soon after *smiles*

Aduka focusing on his hanging mobile and 
tried reaching out to grab it clumsily.

Monday, January 25, 2010

From Feeding Kois To Hooded Jackets

Another one of those random days again. We planned to jog but took a walk instead from Lavender, along Kallang River to the Singapore flyer. Suffice to say, it wasn't too bad little boy. It took a mere 20 minutes to walk with our pace while pushing the stroller. Stopping by once in a while to check out what's new beyond the horizon. The whole stretch has changed a lot. With a revamped Marina Bay, we can see Marina barrage. But apart from that, the rest of the used to be forgotten land is still not ready to be unveiled yet with the other half still under construction. Such an eye sore but anything for the sake of its bright future. And just when you are about to realise you have had too much sun, we have touched down at the flyer. A cool place we have yet to explore together. Looking for food was pretty convenient, what with lots of restaurants and POPEYES around. (We love POPEYES!) Took a walk around the area, checking out the fountain of wealth or so they say, planning to feed the kois but had no one dollar coins to dispense the fish food, snapping pictures incessantly for your journal so we can look back, smile and say, " We kick ass!" HAHA ok Mommy can get carried away sometimes.

It was very cold in the shopping mall so we let Aduka wear his jacket.
Mommy and Daddy was freezing.

Spaceboy and Sandcastles

Dear Aduka,
What do we do on a Sunday?
Wriggle our toes in the sand, smell the sea and enjoy the sun. One of those days we randomly decided to go to the beach with our little munchkin, you :) It was a sunny day, you squint in the sun but did not complain. That is good and you know it. And when you have learnt to walk, we shall do so by the beach with you in between us, swinging you as we walk along the shore.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Maternal Love, Like Orange Tree, Buds, Blossoms and Bears At Once

Dear Aduka,
Today, you went to the doctor and had your immunisation jab. One of many to come I must say. Unlike your last jab, your reaction was not as bad as Mommy and Daddy anticipated. You held on to me smiling just as the nurse was giving you your shot. You shifted a little at first, confused with the pain on your right thigh and cried out loud. A tearful cry to say the least. I put you on my shoulder and you calmed down, still sobbing softly. I whispered soothing words to calm you down while I pat your back lightly. Your sobbing ceased but once in a while you cry out, tearless, telling us you are upset about the pain in your thigh. Oh we know baby, but it will go away quickly. At night, you kept crying and looked uncomfortable so Daddy took your temperature. A whopping 37.5degrees. A slight fever. An apparent normality after the immunisation. We gave you medicine prescribed by the doctor in case you experience a fever within the next twentyfour hours after your jab. You looked confused, a taste so foreign, basically your first medicine taken orally. It wasn't nice I know but it will make you feel better. So I fed you afterwards and you fell asleep as soon as you finished your milk. Sleeping soundly, I can hear you breathing softly. A fever that lasts only for a short while, I hope. You still need monitoring, in case the fever comes again. With moonbeams in hands and stardust in your eyes, we love you baby.

The Duke goes boxing everyday.

Still boxing.

"Why so serious?"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rattling Socks and Mittens

Spaceboy's Attraction To Black & White
Today, we let Aduka try out his new rattling socks and mittens, to give him something different to play with. Needless to say, Aduka seems uninterested and totally distracted by his surroundings. He loves to explore but lets give him more time to get use to the new toys. Like other babies, once he sees them as we rattle the toys in front of him, he will look at it, analyze, absorb, try to reach out to it (he is still trying to control and maneuvre his hands and grip action) and if he likes it, he will start talking and smiling, if he does not, he will show boredom with his tearless cry that probably says, "Please please please take this away from me." So dramatic.

Black & White And Sometimes Red

Of Your Little Feet, Cute Nose & Interesting Toys, One Day You Will Get To See & Read About Your Adventures, Our Spaceboy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reading Is A Skill Worth Learning

Reading aloud to your baby is a wonderful shared activity you can continue for years to come — and it's an important form of stimulation. Reading aloud teaches a baby about communication, introduces concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, and shapes in a fun way, builds listening, memory, and vocabulary skills, gives babies information about the world around them.

Believe it or not, by the time babies reach their first birthday they will have learned all the sounds needed to speak their native language. The more stories you read aloud, the more words your child will be exposed to and the better he or she will be able to talk. Hearing words helps to imprint them on a baby's brain. Kids whose parents frequently talk/read to them know more words by age 2 than children who have not been read to. And kids who are read to during their early years are more likely to learn to read at the right time. But perhaps the most important reason to read aloud is that it makes a connection between the things your baby loves the most — your voice and closeness to you — and books. Spending time reading to your baby shows that reading is a skill worth learning.


And we read all kinds of books to Aduka, spelling out some words for him. Some books are presents from friends, like 'My First Animal Book', Aduka's current reading book, a present from Charlene (she's an animal lover and can be considered an animal acitivist so she thought it's best if she spread the love to my son) and old books passed down by Mommy of those she read when she was a little girl. Sometimes, he listens, coos and smiles when we read to him, attracted by the colourful pictures and illustrations, other times, he gets upset because he was bored, overstimulated by our reading perhaps. Rarely he falls asleep. But if he does, we will just pat him to sleep. We won't pressure you baby. We shall give you a sense of freedom to explore your own taste and capabilities.

Touched his cheeks in his sleep.
Sidetrack, Mommy loves the dimples on Aduka's hands.

Hand still on his face, but the pacifier has left his lips.
Exhausted little fella.

Spaceboy The Ladiesman

Aduka went to his first wedding yesterday. Rohaidi's (STG) wedding to be precise. Though he slept the whole time we were there, I am sure he would have enjoyed watching young boys playing street soccer. A nostalgic sight for us who used to play under the void deck when we were kids. And we thought that experience has dissipated now that children these days are cooped up at home playing computer games and parents afraid to let them out unless under adult supervision. Mommy and Daddy might just let Aduka continue that legacy. And he woke up only when we got in the cab just in time for Uncle Maes2ro to say hello. ELLOW!

Oooh, Mommy spotted a speck of dust on Spaceboy's eyelid.

With Mommy and her serious little man.

Aircon, on the move, in Mommy's arms; an ideal formula that puts him to sleep quickly.

We went to Newton later that night to meet Julie, Rina and the girls for dinner. Julie has yet to see Aduka except for pictures from his blog & Facebook and finally got to see our Spaceboy. Come to think of it, Aduka does look a lot like Tisha. A masculine version of her I hope. Julie thought so too. Their similarities are uncanny. And Mommy shall call Tisha, Aduka's twin sister and vice versa. Dinner was a good one. With Stingray, Tiger Prawns and such. Rina and the girls couldn't get enough of him. He is a ladiesman so to speak. Tisha sang to Aduka, possibly a Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus song since she is a fan while Aduka smiles and talks to her. Cute. All this while, Tia, Aduka's other cousin, was busy on the iphone playing games and taking pictures. Now that's another cutie. Dinner was great, interesting conversations, good food and refreshing drinks. It wouldn't be complete without good company. Great to see you Julie!

Snapshots were taken by Tia and Tisha, Aduka's cousins. Aspiring photographers.

With Mommy Rina, Daddy's sister. She adores Aduka a lot.
Aduka was awake the whole time we were at Newton.
I think he loves the attention.

Tia, Aduka's beautiful cousin.

Our Little Gangsta

10 little fingers, 10 little toes, 2 little eyes, 1 little nose. Put them together, what have you got?  You've got me and that's a lot!
One of those days we stepped out for a breath of fresh air, enjoying the sceneries and have dinner outside. We dressed Aduka up in clothes bought as a gift by a good friend of mine, Audrey. Thanks Auds! A little loose but still fits him nicely. Although, he does look like a gangster with the folded sleeves and high collar covering almost half of his face. And that is because he still has a short neck. The denim pants were okay, but a little long we had to fold it. As a whole, we love the look. Very ruggard. He only needs facial hair. Oh well, it does state for babies 3 - 6 months on its tag. You still have 3 more months to grow into them, baby. Aduka is not complaining.

As usual, curious about the taste of his mittens.

With Daddy.