Monday, December 28, 2009

An Apple Juice A Day Keeps The Virus At Bay


*The first thing that greeted Aduka today.
Yellow poop*
We went for his doctors appointment today. He weighs around 5kg now and grew 2cm from when we last measured his height two weeks ago. The doctor listened to his heart beat and asked about his development. So far so good, he can hold his head up, but did it lazily when the doctor held him since he was asleep before we picked him up. He responds when we talk to him, smiles and look at us. He tries to grab anything like his pacifier, feeding towels, our fingers, etc, if he can. Only thing is, he does not try to grab for toys held in front of him. He literally seems uninterested. He sees them and look away. Poor jiggly toys.

By right, if he weren't a pre-term baby, he would have only been about a month old now.
But he seems to be growing just fine. Alhamdullilah. Our little sunshine.

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