Monday, December 28, 2009

An Apple Juice A Day Keeps The Virus At Bay


*The first thing that greeted Aduka today.
Yellow poop*
We went for his doctors appointment today. He weighs around 5kg now and grew 2cm from when we last measured his height two weeks ago. The doctor listened to his heart beat and asked about his development. So far so good, he can hold his head up, but did it lazily when the doctor held him since he was asleep before we picked him up. He responds when we talk to him, smiles and look at us. He tries to grab anything like his pacifier, feeding towels, our fingers, etc, if he can. Only thing is, he does not try to grab for toys held in front of him. He literally seems uninterested. He sees them and look away. Poor jiggly toys.

By right, if he weren't a pre-term baby, he would have only been about a month old now.
But he seems to be growing just fine. Alhamdullilah. Our little sunshine.

I See Colourful Snowy Elephants

"Outside the snow is falling and friends are calling, "Yoo-hoo!", Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you..."
Festive fever; The day Starhub felt like giving so they activated all their channels for Christmas. Thank you Starhub. If only it lasted longer than Sunday. Wishful thinking; If it snows in our hot and humid climate, we would all be drinking hot cocoa with marshmallows (Mommy loves her hot cocoa that way) and cuddle up in front of the fireplace.


Spending some quality time with the shirtless dude, Daddy.


Aduka does not like to be carried this way. He will make unhappy noises if we do so.
He'd rather be carried frontal position so he can see the world.
Oh too bad baby, you burp better this way. I see you!

Freedom Sleepers


Sleeping styles like Mommy.
Aduka sleeps longer, wilder and feeds lesser times at night.
Only making stretching sounds once in a while.
He surprised my cousins at my uncle's recently with
his bleating-while-he-sleeps-and-stretch when
they were sitting on the bed he was sleeping on.
The qualms of our baby boy. Innocence is bliss.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Spaced Out


And sometimes, we disturb Spaceboy from his oh so deep slumber.

Spaceboy In Lomo World


I'm thinking, he is amazed by the camera.


Salads, Steaks and Baked Potatoes

"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." Elizabeth Stone


Dinner at Jack's Place. These are just the appetizers.


This is the main course.
And after a long day at Ikea, Aduka slept while Mommy and Daddy ate dinner.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Here Comes The Sneeze

With its end-of-the-world, mobster-motor, a-gog-cog. Unlike its wussy brother hiccups, its argument is politics not music, neither poetical like the cough.

Black, Grey, Stripes


He knows we are going out so he kicks his legs so much in excitement.


Daddy attempting an Anne Geddes work.


MC Hammer. It's Hammer time.

Are There Monsters Under My Bed?

There isn't any, baby. If there are, Mommy and Daddy will kick their asses.



Lomo And Polaroids

Daddy and Mommy snapping away incessantly. We are just excited about our little Duke.






And They Grow So Fast...

Babies changed at least three times in the first few months or so these folks say. As newborns, they mostly look like any newborns out there. Small, fragile, puffy and sleepy. And then as days passed, you will notice that they are starting to look more and more like either one of their parents. This will be the first of many change you will see in weeks to come. You will wonder, who does my baby look like? Me or Daddy? He's got my eyes but his daddy's nose. Or is it the other way around? Didn't he look like Mommy a while ago? You might not see the change but as days go by, you will notice the difference.

Aduka looks like his Mommy when he was born and then slowly we realise he actually looks like his Daddy. Small, dark and mysterious. Here is why we thought he looks like Mommy. He was born really fair a few months ago, with rosy cheeks until the UV light treatment for his jaundice tanned the little fella. It doesn't help that Aduka stretches a lot as a newborn, which further darkens him with every stretch and makes him look red. Stretching all day. His Daddy's trait. I stretched too but only in the mornings. Anyways, that aside, we are just really thankful he is a healthy bundle of joy.


5 minutes old. Is it just me or does he look Chinese in this shot.


A day old. Puffy Aduka. He looks so adorable in this picture.


Eight days old gangsta.


About three weeks old.



Four weeks old. He was still so small he barely fits in his clothes.


One month plus. Starting to put on good weight.


Two and a half months. A chubbier Aduka.
His mittens does not fall off as easily anymore.
It fits him perfectly now.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Those Eyebrows, Those Eyes and His Frown

Aduka is looking more and more like his Daddy. And they sleep, burp and frown alike.




He doesn't cry, he screams and shouts.


Everytime he is sleepy, he fights to stay awake. His hands and legs will move vigorously like he is dancing to techno. My theory, he is doing that to stay awake, my conclusion, it will make him more tired and he will eventually sleep and guess what, he did.


Saluting while half asleep.

Spaceboy And The Sky Garden

Aduka's first trip to Orchard Central. We checked out the sky garden and it was truly amazing. The view is awesome, the wind is so strong, it gives me goosebumps. And the best thing is, being there with your two favourite person, is priceless. Aduka gave us a huge smile, it is almost like he was laughing without a sound. Hubby could not take a snap of him in time. And when we tried to make him laugh again, he just closed his eyes and slept. Little round bugger.


He weighs 4.3 kg at two months.





Christmas lights along Orchard Road.


Ion Orchard.


Daddy testing his new phone. All pics courtesy of Zero.

Got Milk?

I want to be carried! I want my pacifier! I want my milk!

Aduka crying

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Bolsters And Pillows

I have an obsession with bolsters and pillows. I recycle fabrics like my old  t-shirts that are still in good condition and sew them bolster and pillow casings. What started out as a hobby, has slowly become an obsession. It is not an easy task but I simply enjoy it. I save money, and get satisfaction knowing that my son is sleeping comfortably on covers that I customised. If you have any extra, unused fabrics, kindly please contact me and I will gladly use it for something useful *wink*

Up next, I want my very own sewing machine.

Aduka sleeping

Aduka sleeping 2

Solemn and simply beautiful.
Weighs around 4kg when this picture was taken, he looks rounder.
His cheeks has put on weight. That's okay, I love round babies.

Two And A Half Months

How time flies. It seems like yesterday I just gave birth. Aduka just turned two and a half months. He has learnt to hold his head up longer when we lay him on his front. He can put weight in his legs when we make him stand. He can almost turned himself around when we lay him down in his playpen. He can already see us clearly, he cries if we are not in sight especially when he is bored. His eyes can follow movements. He can hear his surroundings clearer now, even the slightest sound makes him alert. He can hear his mommy sing to him, sometimes he either cries or smile along with her. He talks to himself, he burps like an army of Adukas, he flashes a killer smile, he can sometimes respond to a tickle with a smile. These are the little things that puts a smile on our tired faces, boosting our mana.


Those big eyes that makes us want to hug him tightly and not let go. Puss In Boots!






Aduka baby talking. He is so expressive, he has a million expressions for
his moods and actions.

Small, Bald and Handsome

Tonsuring (mundan) is an important ceremony in Hinduism. Muslims too shave or trim the baby's hair. The first haircut is an important ritual and it is believed that shaving the hair rids the child of his past life's negativity. Some believe that a mundan bestows a long life, a better future and also protects the child from the evil eye. in some communities, the hair on a newborn's head is considered impure and it is believed that only a mundan can cleanse the child's body and soul. Some believes that a mundan helps release escess body heat and keeps the baby's head cool.


We, however, shaved Aduka's hair at the barber. His first trip to the barber at one and a half month old. It started out okay while he was asleep, with hardly any response from him, and his daddy holding his head, the barber manages just fine. But then, it probably felt ticklish as the electric shaver runs across his head that he woke up, made some unhappy sounds, twists and turns with each shaving move. It ended smoothly, unravelling a newly shaven baby. He looks truly awesome, fresh and clean. We didn't think a ritual should be done for the above, a small 'kenduri syukur' for his birth was good enough, held on Hari Raya Haji as requested by his Oma.


Great grandfather carrying a newly shaven Aduka awkwardly on Hari Raya Haji, it is too cute.

Viva la Vivo

His first trip to Vivocity. It has been raining and the cold weather adds to the already freezing shopping mall that we dressed the baby up like an eskimo. He seems to enjoy the warmth and comfort, he slept soundly most of the time. A pretty easy baby to take care of, not until he cries to be carried or to talk to. Big demands for a small baby.


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Zero, MsFit and The Duke

Life is changed, but that's okay; it's fun to spend glad hours each day. Taking time for all the good that comes with parenthood. 





Daddy cleaning Aduka up after he pooped.