Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Doppler Effect And Sonic Boom

Why Doppler effect? Because my mother-in-law bought an outfit for Aduka and it's red stripes overalls :) The outfit is pretty cute. It adds colour to Aduka. As his parents, we love colours, queer part was, we tend to buy baby outfits that is in the black and white category. We have mad love for them and its style, plus we think it looks really good on our baby and make him look stylishly manly. (Strangers think he looks like a girl, so no colours!) I think Aduka is just a sweet little thang, especially when he flashes his killer smile. Smiley dimpley boy.

Dear Aduka,
We put you up at Oma's since we had to work. I wonder how you are doing right now. Will you cry to be carried? Will you whine to be talked to? Will you make funny noises everytime we leave you to play with your jiggly toys? Mommy and Daddy miss you terribly today. We miss kissing all over your whole face and irritate you. We miss shaking your legs. We miss hugging you. We miss your smell. And most of all, we miss your smile.

Sleeping Aduka in Mommy's arms. Wearing the cute outfit that Nanny bought.
His hands are held together most of the time. Like a little thinker.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hands Together

One, two, buckle my shoe
Three, four, knock at the door
Five, six, pick up sticks
Seven, eight, lay them straight
Nine, ten, a big fat hen
Eleven, twelve, dig and delve.

Our little duke, he grasp his hands together all the time. He does that in his sleep, he does it after every shower as we get him ready, he does it when we pushed him in his buggy, he does it when we carry him, the only time he does not haven them together is when he cries. His way of seeking inspiration perhaps?

Happy Valentine's

Dear Aduka,
It was your first Valentines, what a day for our beautiful baby. We spent loads of quality time with you, singing rhymes, storytelling, laughing, snapping pictures, hugging you and showering you with lots of kisses. The good thing is, you seemed oblivious to our kisses, looking innocently at us with those big eyes everytime we kissed your cheeks. Oh you are so adorable. We placed you on your stomach and you cried after a while. Tired I presumed. Rolled to your side and you smiled. I held Mr Blue (little denim bear with bells in his tummy) in front of you and shake it so you can hear the bells. You love it and tried to reach out, kicking your legs in excitement. Daddy as usual, always disturb you, but he made you laughed out loud. Cute. The first time you laughed out loud, made us very happy. A palpable delight. It happens when your first child does things for the first time. One day, you will understand when you have one of your own. We snapped pictures of you to capture these moments. To remember the days we made you smile and you, made us feel like there was no tomorrow.


Still happy.

Once you suck your fingers, its a sign you are bored for being on
your stomach too long which was a mere five minutes actually.

Showing signs of boredom.

Rolled over and back to being happy.

Still happy.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Four Month Old Spaceboy

Aduka turned four! Hip hip hooray!
*confettis*fireworks*kisses*hugs*unconditional love*
The day Aduka became more vocal and even crankier when he is restless. He screams louder for fun, his babytalk is on its rise, he has grown more attune to his surroundings, he can turn over sideways when he is on his stomach and he knows we are recording him.

He stops when he sees Mommy recording him.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Little Bubbles

One little, two little, three little bubbles, Four little, five little, six little bubbles, Seven little, eight little, nine little bubbles, Ten little bubbles go pop, pop, pop!

Mommy getting Aduka ready for the day after his morning bath. Notice the chest? Cute!
Mommy loves round babies.

Our Little Eskimo

Vivocity. Cold. Sleepy baby. We went out with Aduka's Oma (Mommy's mom) and his handsome cousins, Aniq and Adam. Had dinner, went to Starhub to exchange a faulty cable box, hang out at the sky garden for a short while, walked around and called it a day. Sad to say it was a pretty short outing, nevertheless we enjoyed spending time with the family. We always do. Am I right Aduka? We didn't take much photos but we will the next time we hang out with them again. Soon.

Dear Aduka,
You are learning to turn over while you lay on your stomach. With much practise, you will be able to accomplish it with finesse.

He does look like he has no neck *chuckles* oh well he is just chubby so the neck is not obvious.
And in this picture, his shirt went up a few centimetres off his shoulders
explaining the high shoulders ya :) It happens when he is in his buggy.
Shirt - a present from Mommy Rina. Thanks babe!